Author Topic: Stream to your back set up  (Read 3604 times)

uncle buck

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Stream to your back set up
« on: February 05, 2010, 09:14:20 PM »
Strategy.....Hunting along a stream you can have the water source filter the predator to you....This is a night set up stand..Also one has to watch the don't take a step back and fall into the water or off the bank..

OK you want the wind blowing toward the stream. Set the electronic caller straight out from the point of where you will post up against the bank. Say...from 50 to 100 yards..Face the speaker toward the place your going to post at the stream..the speaker will be facing downwind toward the stream...You want the wind in your face...

The predator hears the call it comes in and try to get in direct line with the loudest part of the sound and of course heads toward the downwind side... However when it hits the bank it turns and will come along either side of you...You will be standing with your back to the bank...The predator will come along the edge because it can't go into the stream.. It moves along either the right or left side of the bank toward the part of the loudest sound source. you are standing there, shotgun b est, red light on keep checking right side and left side to shoot at the predator coming toward you...It can't smell you because you are down wind.. The predator would have to be in the water or on the other bank to smell you.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 09:15:26 PM by uncle buck »

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 09:47:15 PM »
Great set up idea uncle buck I'll have to give that one a try.

uncle buck

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 09:57:53 PM »
Could work along big beaver ponds, large lakes and ponds that have the right structure...See a small pond they could go around to the other side...You could put a shooter on the other side of the pond too should the predator make the arc and come into your speaker from the down wind of the other side of the small pond..

Be careful you do not fall in!!!!!!! Suggest you do not stand on a log or stump near waters edge either...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 09:58:33 PM by uncle buck »

Offline Hern

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 05:16:38 AM »
Shale pits and quarrys work them the same way by taking away a backdoor approach. Any thing to give you the 'edge'.

Open water can be used to ones advantage early season, but our area ponds, small streams and Beaver ponds are froze. Shelf ice on large streams and the Susquehanna.
Frozen streams and pond edges become highways for canines. Use this to your advantage.
This season I killed 4 Fox and 2 Coyote off the ice. By that, setting up and trying to get them to approach on the ice. So that's the reverse of open water call'n.
Lots of different setups to use thoughout the season.

Offline jaspr1

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 03:08:35 PM »
Ice....years ago that was a sure fire method, especially if there was some heavy snow..Set along creek bank and fox would use frozen creek like a sidewalk...

Offline Hern

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2010, 04:01:07 PM »
Set along creek bank and fox would use frozen creek like a sidewalk...
Yep ;D

uncle buck

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2010, 09:18:21 PM »
LoL then one has to play cowboy to lasso the now downed fox laying in the middle of a ice over stream.  As we know even if there be ice on the top there be running  water underneat the ice... As you know once you do walk out on the stream you could end up underneat the ice.
Yep I think we need to carry grappling hooks with a rope to retrieve downed critters on stream ice?  LOL

However....Hern is correct... if the stream is frozen that fox or coyote will come up the frozen stream. So should you live in the Northern Tier of Pa  for safety reason I would not not use this method in Jan and Feb...
The picture was taken in SCPA and normally there is no ice on the Yellow Breeches, or Conteaquinta (sp) Mountain Creek....etc etc

Offline jaspr1

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2010, 08:20:34 AM »
I was referring to "back in the day" with my comment...When I was a kid back in the 60"s we would ice skate the creek for miles it would freeze over the riffles .......had hockey skates, played hockey with a stick and stone, haven't seen that for years...river would get rock solid also...and for your information Hern, sometimes us stump jumpers "set" ;D and we even lay an egg on occasion...LOL... ;D ;D

uncle buck

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2010, 01:11:00 AM »
I was referring to "back in the day" with my comment...When I was a kid back in the 60"s we would ice skate the creek for miles it would freeze over the riffles .......had hockey skates, played hockey with a stick and stone, haven't seen that for years...river would get rock solid also...and for your information Hern, sometimes us stump jumpers "set" ;D and we even lay an egg on occasion...LOL... ;D ;D

Wow now there is a flash back for me for sure...Being from Wilkes Barre we are born with ice skates on our feet... Anyway I remember one Jan it snowed like anything then a front came through and it turned to rain then it got cold an froze immediately again...Now what happen then was that all the hills at Hollenback Golf course turned to pure ice... So us kids would ride down the hills on ice skates and at the bottom of the hill of pure ice was now ice ponds from the frozen rain on top of the snow. wish I would have had hockey skates when I can down a hill 50 yard long and reach momentum at the bottom... See when I reach the bottom I had on figure skates...You know the kind with the teeth in the front.. The teeth dug into that white ice the cracks easy.. When the teeth dug in my body and my face hit the iced ground like a rat trap being sprung...Oh we...I saw stars, got that taste in my mouth from hurting my brain...Probably even got a concussion.. Lucky I did not die in my sleep that night...Face was all cut up from the jagged ice...I had to take midterm exams too come that Monday...Had to cover my face with all kinds of face junk a boy would not put on so I did not gross the kids out in my class or high school. truly they called me scare face for weeks... did learn a lesson about using figure skates to come down hills of ice thats for sure!!!!!! Dang that hurt when I hit..I am lucky I did not fracture my face, Skull, and break my neck all at the same time!!!!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 01:14:34 AM by uncle buck »

Offline bdawg

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2010, 05:21:11 PM »
where you live now uncle buck??
district #1

uncle buck

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2010, 08:19:43 PM »
where you live now uncle buck??

South Central Pennsylvania near Harrisburg our state capitol..  Just 100 miles South of Wilkes-Barre.

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2010, 09:03:17 PM »
just curious i live in wapwallopen about 17 mi south and prob west of wilkes barre and work in yorkhaven south of hbg , just started doin some yote huntin around middletown wkend before last
district #1

Offline Hern

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2010, 06:34:16 AM »
Small frozen streams that one can jump across or just a bit too far to jump are major travelways. I like them.
Walking on ice cover streams/ponds/lakes or shelf ice one must use common sense.
jaspr, you brought back memorys...We lived near a crick. We kids would put on our skates at home, walk over the the crick and skates to the end of town where the fire company had an ice skating pond. We skated all day then skated back up the crick to home. After several years, fire company installed electric lights around the pond, so we skated day and night.

uncle buck

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Re: Stream to your back set up
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2010, 07:16:44 PM »
Um just saw this stand set up recommended  in Predator Extreme magazine. See even the pros think it's good for coyotes...