Author Topic: Local Coyote Hunters  (Read 9424 times)

Offline Pa yote hunter

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Re: Local Coyote Hunters
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2010, 09:23:40 PM »
That is the point I was trying to make unless you were there to see how the gun was pointed.I think they are fantastic pics and thanks hern for posting...

uncle buck

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Re: Local Coyote Hunters
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2010, 02:07:16 AM »
Now ask yourselves?  "Is The Glass Half Empty Or Half Full?"

Now you could be looking at it like this?  We only want the best seed for this coming mating season?  This is a way to take off the bad seed?  
There are some smart Alpha Males and Females out there..... Now chances are that just my observations dealing with the Alpha's who are smart... Could be that they could outsmart a pack of hounds....

Also it's a know fact that the more coyotes you harvest the more young the mating pair have...

See we need to take some of the fur also look how this is helping the deer herd....I can tell you this that our coyotes do feed on deer unlike what other people are saying...Just the article two weeks ago revealed.  They, most Pa coyotes have jaws like wolves...They are trying to eat the deer now believe me..........

Trying to be the Devils Advocate here again...I have had a few predator callers also point their guns at me in error too in my 24 + years in predator hunting...Also some grouse hunters,  ringneck hunters, and rabbit  hunters, and deer hunters... No wonder I rather hunt by myself...LOL LOL

Nope we do need to harvest predators to help the farmers too... So remember that even some of the coyotes we call in are not even the mating pair.  The more harvested the mating pair will have more pups...Also some of the coyotes that make it will be more like a Lab in smarts then a 57 variety Heinz dog (Dumb Dog) that is just plain dumb...  

All mammals are not created equal,  only the strong survive, etc etc   Could be away of getting rid of that bad seed we don't want around... Helps the farmers too..Also when you call in a 50 pounder you can be proud!!!!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 02:10:46 AM by uncle buck »

Offline jaspr1

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Re: Local Coyote Hunters
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2010, 07:46:43 AM »
Catmando, believe this or not, I to at one time had some hounds...Always had Beagles, some good some logger heads,I love to listen to a hound chase...Went with a friend who lived and died Coon hunting, (had Walkers) was always looking for the ultimate dog. Spent more money on his dogs than his wife and they were soon divorced.. ; that's another story.....You guys are mis-reading my comments, I promote all sport hunting and yes, I am sticking my neck out by making an accusation based on no personal knowledge of the  facts...I have this inate skeptisim based on the short time I was involved in catching hoofties, as a Deputy for PGC...That was 30 yrs ago.....Up until 10yrs ago when I moved for the 2nd time I would get up and find deer heads and hides in my front yard and local people still call me with stuff. Someone up that way also shot a Bobcat that came in while they were fox hunting, its being home tanned... no one would drop a name ,location or anything else in my presence, because they know how I am...Once you get that Warden stink on you, you become the skunk at any "Good Ole Boy" get togethers...I was just trying to point out the virtue of fair chase hunting and promote how much more rewarding it is to best them on their terms sans a techno- geeko aid. I liked the pictures and I like it when people post their results...Cliff Martin D2 comes to mind 10 Red Fox and 2 Raccoons, D2 hunt as posted in Howler..Fantastic job, a memory made to revisit when he's an old guy like me..No negative thought even crossed my mind..If that would have been me on that big chase, I would have collected up my dogs, gave them a treat and let the yote take a hike for next time..but that's me. As I've pointed out in previous posts just because I don't do it that way doesn't make everybody else wrong it just makes us different....If they did it legally, then good job........but based on the info I got, from what I would call a reliable source, they overstepped on more than one issue. If that is true then they are stealing from all of us and will put all of us in a bad light with the non-hunting public..I won't have anymore comments on this..I am starting to have a lot of empathy for the quarry these days and let more walk. It must be my age. Maybe I will start hunting with my cam and let the shooting to the young guys...

Offline Hern

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Re: Local Coyote Hunters
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2010, 07:52:41 AM »
I didn't post pictures to fire folks up. Sorry.
I have no clue if they use tracking device to kill Coyotes or use tracking device to record distance of chase or locate hounds to be rounded up. I'll try to contact this guy and ask him 'how he does it'.
Once again, I hunted with this groups dads and grandpas and they didn't use a tracking device back then.
Funny how we have a knee jerk reaction to some pictures and lump everyone into the same pot.

Cat, thank you for the offer. I'll have to get in shape to run them hills around you...LOL. Jaspr is much, much older than me, but in better shape... ;D I'll bring the ole fart along...LOL.
I grew up hunting Rabbits with Dad's Beagles and attending Field Trials.
I hound hunted Fox in the '60's & 70's with Dad's friends, John Atkinson, Boyd Klock and Babe Schroyer. Dad never hunted Fox, but would drop me off at John A.s farm before daylight, every weekend after Christmas (I was too young to drive until the '67). Looking back, these 3 guys enjoyed Fox hunting, hounds and the outdoors. The 3 of 'em own 1040 acres near Stonington, between Sunbury & Paxinos and that's were we hunted for the most part.

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Re: Local Coyote Hunters
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2010, 10:59:10 PM »