Author Topic: hunting story  (Read 1901 times)

Offline catmando

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hunting story
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:35:00 PM »
i was calling coyotes one night in the mountains and i was scanning my light back and forth when i caught movement off to my side. i looked and here come a large bear as fast as a bear can run, i jumped up and screamed some foul words his way and he stopped at 20 yards,  it was a cool dark night and steam was rolling off him as we just stared at each other for what seemed like hours, he never blinked, just stared. well i was starting to feel a little uneasy so i shot in the air and quickly chambered another round, the bear turned and run away. my hunting was over for the night, this happened 15 years ago and to this day on some nights i get spooked real easy and go home, once in awhile my son goes with me and you ought to hear him bitch because dad always places him near the thick stuff

Offline Leglifter

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Re: hunting story
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2010, 04:46:03 PM »
Traumatized for life ;) ;)

uncle buck

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Re: hunting story
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2010, 06:11:01 PM »
Outstanding story!!!!!!!!I truly enjoyed that!!!!!!!!Do you remember what sound you were using?  Probably Cottontail Rabbit?
Also what county did this happen in?  I called in a bear hunting coyotes one hot Summer June Day in Dauphin county...

However I do call in the NEPA from time to time..In Bear Country......Luzerne/Carbon county and Monroe...Wyoming to be specific.  I do carry mace when I call these areas in Sep...Might want to put a can of that on my person 365 days a year?

I do remember years back calling on Baldy Mountain in Luzerne County...... It was back in my early days of calling probably about 1987.  Did not think anything of it at the time until years later.. I called in something that the vapor from the cold air made the area just out of sight on the horizon look like Old Faithful.....To this day I wonder what in tarnation I called in then?  Sure was a lot of breath vapor thats for sure...

Normally I have only saw that happen if an animal was running hard...Saw a buck once...So neat running in the woods and the vapor from it breath was shooting out it's nose...That was on Baldy mountain too... However can't ever remember seeing any other deer do that since then...

Offline Pa yote hunter

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Re: hunting story
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 08:54:12 PM »
Yeah I know the feeling sorta,one night about 1 in the morning it was early november a buddy of mine talks me into goin fox huntin so we head out and set up on some water shed property and he starts to call about 3 min we could hear runnin full speed thru the woods right at us so I hit the spotlight and about 20-25 yds away this bear hits the brakes just as I hit the light It scared the h*ll out of me but it also hooked me on night huntin but I know the uneasy feeling sometimes at night when your by yourself ;D...

Offline 22hornet

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Re: hunting story
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2010, 11:25:42 PM »
Not to step on anyones story but one time when scouting for spring gobblers,no gun, I tried some calling. Well I guess I was getting into it for several minutes. like just trying this mouth call or the other listening to the different tones and pitches.A noise behind me caught my attention. A BIG bear walked right up to me. Like 10 yards away. He had two fighting scars on his nose.Well he finally saw me and this old boy turned and walked away. Never have I went scouting without a weapon. Uncle Buck the bear mace sounds like a VERY GOOD idea. It is amazing what artracts those bears. At night an encounter would be hair raising to say the least.

uncle buck

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Re: hunting story
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2010, 06:39:22 PM »
Then too there are times when you don't see anything at night time but know something is there. 

Once hunted on a farm that they found a women murdered in the tree line...It never bothered me and they finally caught the guy.
However as the crow flys...3 miles South of that area...I was hunting just off railroad tracks....I felt this evil presence.  Something real evil for sure... The hair on the back of my neck stood up straight into the air too.....I never went back to that farm along the railroad tracks ever again...

Now you would think that the area and farm that the women was murdered would bother me..It never did ...However that other place...I knew something bad was there...Something that could hurt you too and it was watching me... Hey this is the vibes I was getting from this area... I hunted the place many a time before that feeling too..Never had  that feeling before however it was so haunting that I could never go back there again...