I took the heating element out of a dryer. While back of dryer was off I duct taped holes in drum. Duct taped lint catch (in front) and ready to roll.
-I use corse, corn cob grit. (Fine corn cob grit is too fine and clings to everything) A coffee can or two is all the grit you need to tumble 2 or 3 Fox or Coon hides at a time. 10-15 min. in the tumbler is all thats needed. I do add a few dryer sheets for shine but this step isn't needed. Just a person thing. The grit gets the dirt out and shines and softens fur. You will get a feel when the corn cob grit is dirty and needs replaced.
I try to dry wet Coon/Canines before tumling but have dry them in tumbler, fur side out, it just takes more time in the tumbler.
-I comb fur free of burrs, dirt and sticktights. I skun. I flesh. Then I tumble.
-Coon are tumbled fur in. This really removes the excess grease
-Fox, Coyote are tumbled fur out
-Shake and brush off grit and put fur on board.
don't worry about a few leftover corn cob grit on your hide, buyer will notice this and know you are taking proper care of fur
While tumbler is working other skun'n or chores are done around the shed. No time lost.
I use to wash my fur after skun' in 5 gal. bucket with dish detergent
twirled hide around outside snapped it and twirled some more to get excess water off and hit with fans overnight and put up the next day. Always had good results with wash'n fur but it takes time and it's cold outside on these ole hands.