Author Topic: Outstanding articles on when Coyotes attack in this issue of Predator Extreme  (Read 3224 times)

uncle buck

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Subject article while seems like the authors opinion...Don't we all have one of those on here?  It made sense after I thought back on how coyotes have approached my calling here in Pa.

Namely I do not use a decoy for coyotes...Article said coyotes are visual first...If they only hear the sound then they go down wind and use their scenting to ID the distress animal......Further the articles stated that if it does have a visual sometimes that is enough that they will come in from any direction to the decoy and not go down wind. 

I started reflecting back on the 33 coyotes that I have called in...Some of course were when I was fox hunting..coyotes came out of no where...Not down wind just showed up and caught me totally off guard... Twice last year when I was taking the  caller out of a tree they showed up...Here I am walking back to the caller to remove it and there is a coyote coming to my sounds.  Probably me walking to the tree and or bush and thinking I was the prey animal..

So this article made me think...Should I, be using a decoy more often then not when hunting predators.. Since if I can get them to go right after the decoy...visual without having the coyotes not have a visual and then that makes them go down wind and in the mean time bust you should you get in line with the direct sound then.....

Anyway  articles and my experience added together just makes me think about things like this....I suppose this is how you learn getting busted and reading an article that might have some halft truths in it.... We shall see...Probably going to start to use the Jack In the Box, Wounded Woodpecker, and or the Feather flex Fawn decoy more now if I know there are coyotes in the area to be called...

Offline Hern

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UB, I think a decoy, misting, remote control e-caller, hunting with a partner all should be in your bag and used when needed.
All thesehere 'tools of the trade' takes several to many seasons to test, feel comfortable with and depend on.
I have seen many predator callers come and go. In my opinion, most folks don't give this game a chance. Tools as decoys, misting and hunting methods and learning critter habits are not given a fair shake.
Novice predator hunters...With slow to unsuccessful results and not putting in the time to gain experience....POOF, they're gone.