When I hunt in Northeastern Pa.....This is what I have notice.....On my way at night to hunt at my particular hunting spots.. If after the deer season I see deer feeding along the roads...That is where I called in the coyotes...On the negative side....Driving in no deer seen at night along the roads..Also no coyotes either called in....
So if you know a place that the deer yard up...AKA Core areas after the deer hunting season....That would be the places to take the shots in the dark so to speak and try for coyotes... No hill, ravine, or lay of the land like you described is a sure thing for coyotes to be there.
However on this forum there is a 1 hour plus Youtube video of a women that did reserach in N. H......Watch that video for the entire hour or so....It's well worth it and She does confirm that coyote core areas tend to be near water and in swamps.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYLY4WSp3Fs&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eppha%2Eus%2Fsmf%2Findex%2Ephp%3Ftopic%3D2855%2E0&feature=player_embeddedAlso like Hern said you have to know their Patterns.......If the coyotes are not there they are not going to feed on the bait... However I know of a place that the coyotes were there for sure...People chanined meat to trees. The coyotes came in twice before morining and ripped the meat right off of the trees...The chained another carcass of meat...Same thing happened. However see the coyotes were there......