Tony is a huge waterfowl hunter...hence his nick name on here...he's been trying to get me into waterfowl hunting for quite some time now...and I keep telling him I don't need anymore hobies or spend more time away from my tree stand and predator huntin...but...I think i'm going to try it this season once or twice, he seems pretty excited, we'll see haha, i'm just thinking I should just get my muzzleloader stamp, cuz after the goose/duck stamp that be the only liscens I don't have...100+ dollars in liscens fee's...jeeeeesh...either way if some sort of hunt goes down...or a friendly competition, us D2 guys will try and give you D4's a run for your money, and since we're all local, we could all grab some grub at a diner for a final talley later, after the hunt...keep myself and waterfowler1183 posted...