I visited Jerry Johnson today. Jerry is a fur buyer, trap & lure supplier, from Enola, Pa.
He has a new building for his Stanley Hawbaker collection. A Hawbaker Museum.
Jerry said he will continue to add to his Hawbaker Museum.
Jerry's collection along with Jerry's knowledge of each item, made this a unique visit.
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Here's Jerry Johnson with 1947 Hawbaker calendar.
Jerry said Stanley only had 8 made that year because the cost was too high, $1...
Ole catalogs. Remember some of those covers? Hawbaker wrote 17 books too. Also he published a magazine called 'American Woodsman' from 1951-1957.
Remember the Hawbaker Muskrat Knives? Jerry has 7-8 more to display. And a few to finish the complete collection.
Two Hutchsons, hand made knives. These were Stanley's personal knives.
From Hawbaker's catalog. Read caption. Three knives made for Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. MacArthur & Gen. Patton...
Ole Hawbaker lure bottles...
Jerry mentioned the different boarder on the bottle labels. Different boarder, Different year...
Bottle on left, may be the oldest in collection.
Cardboard cylinder with metal bottom and lid was used for shipping lure bottles, back in the day.
Hawbaker Turkey Call. Stanley made these for fun'n people, as a gag. Each came with instructions.
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