I had a short lived Bobcat calling season.
-Saturday no Bobcat, but two Greys. One Grey stood on it's hind legs to get a better looksee. Never saw a Grey do that. I've seen two Coyotes stand on back legs to look over weeds.
-Sunday, another dead Grey around 8 am. Walked out of woods and onto the lane and hokey smokes! Fresh Bobcat tracks!
Snow doesn't lie. Bobcat tracks weren't there when I went into the woods. Dang. 100 yards behind me.
Three Greys from this location in 2 days.
-Heading to next stop, 9:30 am, driving on lane in wide open winter wheat field, hokey smokes! There's two Red Fox. Mated pair or are they mating?
They were not spooked, but trotting along heading for a large depression in the open field. They disappeared in depression, so I moved the pickup closer but couldn't see 'em. Told my partner, to get his .22 mag ready. We set up nearby, in wide open.
I blew on a Crit-r-Call the best I knew how. To my surprise, NOTHING. I switched to an ERNIE WILSON CALL that works magic. NOTHING. What the heck is going on here, where are they, partner ask. I said, they didn't go anywhere, it's too wide open for them to sneak away. Let's move closer. They were walking/standing around the weeds and water in the swale. We set up again. Still too long a shot (300 yds.) for a sure kill. I worked my magic on the EW Call, sweet sounds, NOTHING. We got the looks, but Reds were not interested. After 5 min. they trotted away and into the brush 600 yards away. Dang that was humbling. Just wasn't interested.
-Today, I went back to Bobcat hunt same location as Saturday & Sunday.
Was there at day break. I gave it about an hour. Nothing. No action today. Only one stand today.
This is a new location to me, so I took some time to scout and learn the lay of the land. A few Bobcat tracks, lots of Coyote and Grey Fox tracks and found fresh Red Fox droppings. This is another trappers locations that he and owner said I could do some Bobcat calling. The trapper was my partner Saturday & Sunday, so we shot Greys on his request to shoot anything we called...lol.
I will be back next season.
Not going to make it out tonight or tomorrow morning, so that's my short lived Bobcat adventures.
My best to everyone.