Author Topic: good link to save and joing to ID mushrooms you find  (Read 4893 times)

uncle buck

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good link to save and joing to ID mushrooms you find
« on: February 13, 2015, 12:51:41 AM »
this is a valuable shroom tool to use.. If you go into the wild and take a picture of a shroom.. You can join this web link and send the picture in for the pro's to ID what it is that you found..  So many times I get pictures from people that say:  "WHAT IS THIS SHROOM IS IT EDIBLE?"   This tool will tell you what shroom you found.. If you don't what it is just leave the name blank on the shroom name entry area of your submission... Someone will come back and even send you an email to tell you what it is.. You can converse with the person to and ask them additional info like " IS IT EDIBLE?" Now I wouldn't go and eat it if they said that but at least you will know what growing out back in your yard..

uncle buck

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Re: good link to save and joing to ID mushrooms you find
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2015, 12:54:14 AM »
Recently I actually found a shroom that was uncommon to find... they liked it that I submitted the picture... You put info in so they can record where the shroom was found.. I just gave that it was found in Cumberland County, Pa instead of the actual tract I found it on.. However if you desire you can give them the coordinates too if you desire on the submission..  I wil post the picture of this unique shroom I found on here... this shroom is completely blue in color>   Neoalbatrellus caeruleoporus

By the way it's edible but not to tasty!!!!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 01:06:30 AM by uncle buck »

uncle buck

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