Hey white trash, I wished we lived closer. I would take your fur. I would even buy you and partner breakfast.
How folks handle or sell their fur is none of my business. No problem.
If someone wants to learn how-to-do-it, I am willing to show them.
One guy I know, has his Fox and Coyotes tanned then sells them. Profit wise, he makes out better than you and me. But he created a tanned fur market of his own. Good for him.
I know other guys that get ear muffs made from Fox and give as Christmas presents.
One fella in the Harrisburg area has been a top-notch Fox, Muskrat, Mink and Coon trapper. His fondest was always the Mink. Several years ago, He switched totally to trapping Mink. I ask him, what's up? Only Mink? Why are you leaving them Fox run? His answer, 'Wife and I moved to an elderly apartment. I have no place to put up fur. But I did talk the wife into using the laundry room to put up Mink and the custodian said I could dry and store the Mink in the supply room. If I catch accidental Coons, I drop 'em off at the fur buyers and sell in the round.'
His story gave me a new perspective why or how folks target certain species or why or how they handle or market their fur.