Author Topic: Setting up for fox  (Read 1989 times)

Offline Kyle5865

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Setting up for fox
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:51:48 PM »
I have been predator hunting lately and I have been mainly aiming for fox. I know I am now using the right call and I know there is fox in the area due to seeing them while spotlighting. I am now wondering how to setup for predators. I have been told to setup with the wind hitting my face and the call 25-50 yds in front of me. I am hunting farm fields with fence rows. has anyone had problems trying to setup with the wind blowing towards the place you are trying to bring the fox from? If so, how can I hunt that area. 90% of the time the wind is blowing towards where we want to hunt and we don't know what to do other than sneak through the fields and try to go up on top to another field behind the woods. I don't want to spook the fox or anything else out. please help!

Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Setting up for fox
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 05:25:02 PM »
     The wind is obviously a big factor in calling.  Perhaps its bad advice, but I would give it a try once to see how things go.  Be ready to take a longer shot than normal and I would shoot as soon as they came in to range.  Don't give them a chance to study the wind very long.

     I'm not a wind "expert", but from my experience, I can have the perfect set up, as far as the wind goes, when I start, than the wind shifts and it starts blowing directly down range.  Many times the fox will "cut" the wind cross ways as they circle.  If you can get the kill as they are cutting your wind prior to them reaching it, you may be ok.   Only one way to find out.
York, PA
Bee's O'Brien Field Staff
If you heard my shot, Feel lucky...I wasn't aiming at you!

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Re: Setting up for fox
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 03:34:20 PM »
I don't like the wind blowing in the direction I am calling. I hate that and avoid that. I don't like the wind blowing in my call area direction when I am walking in either.
I would look for another approach and set up. Maybe the neighboring downwind property? Are we talking calling to Red Fox?

You mention the wind in your face. That's ok, but I like to hunt a sorta cross wind. You mentioned fencerows and you can set up to use them to your advantage. Just set up so Fox will trot along fencerow. Try to use the cover or terrain to get them into gun range.
Very hard giving you proper advice without seeing property. Sorry.