Up here in Wayne County using my new shockwave I won from a Boondock Outdoors drawing on Facebook. Started off low with nutty nutthatch for 5 mins, went silent for 5 minutes, then blasted snowhoe 1 for 2 minutes, and the woods came alive!! 2 greys came busting up out of the swamp and I turned it down low, then I heard something behind me and here's another grey in a thorn bush. I turn back around pop one 10 feet from the call, turn around as foxbang switched to platinum and missed one behind me. I start walking to retrieve and the other one was sitting a few yards staring at the decoy. I tried to get my gun up, but it bounced. So pumped!! Still missing, but finally.
My question is why 3? Was I possibly near a territory border? The one I shot was a female.