Author Topic: Its done New New York gun law  (Read 2345 times)

Offline foxpro51

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Its done New New York gun law
« on: January 15, 2013, 07:15:10 PM »

 Well, it passed the Senate and House, just waiting for Cuomo's signature. Will go into effect 12:00am tonight.

The broad strokes:

Pretty much bans future purchase of semi-automatic rifles with “assault” characteristics (detachable mag + pistol grip makes it an assault weapon). Those who have them now will be allowed to keep them, but they will be registered, with a 5 year renewal requirement. There are also new storage requirements for “assault” weapons including trigger locks and safes. Law prohibits transfer of these guns EVER, meaning they cannot be sold, traded, given away, bequeathed, ect. When you die, your executors have one year to get them out of the state, or they will be destroyed. If you own them as of Jan 16, 2012, you own them for life, until you destroy them or die.

10 round magazines made before 1994 can be retained, but must only be loaded with 7 rounds at a time. Any magazine made after 1994 with a capacity higher than 7 rounds must be surrendered, sold out of state, or destroyed. This includes box magazines, stripper clips, en bloc clips, and pretty much any ammunition containing device.

5 year renewal on pistol permits, which were lifetime permits when granted.

Private party sales much go through NICS check unless being given to IMMEDIATE family member. Grandpa wants to give his gun to grandson, has to go through NICS check.

Ammunition will now require a state level NICS-style check (for which there is no mechanism in place to facilitate this). Private ammunition transfers (want to give your buddy a box of shells to shoot another round?) must be facilitated through a dealer. Internet sales much be facilitated through a dealer (which is pretty much a defacto ban on internet ammo sales since no dealer is going to facilitate the transaction and compete against themselves on ammo prices). Ammo prices will skyrocket. This will pretty much ban the sale of ammunition at shoots, since few will be able to comply, and no gun clubs will be able to comply. No specific wording on reloading components, but wide discretion is left up to the commissioner of state police, so I’m sure it will include components shortly if it doesn’t already. Automatic notification to the state police if you buy “large quantities” of ammunition. Guess what, to most people a flat of shotgun shells or a brick of 22s constitutes a “large quantity”. $10 background check fee to purchase ammunition.

That's what I've discovered thus far, will add more if/when I discover it. Much more to the bill, but those are the worst parts. Guess we in NY probably don't need to worry about what Obama has

Offline scottm2012

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Re: Its done New New York gun law
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2013, 07:28:57 PM »
This is absolutely crazy.  How can pro gun advocates roll over on this bill?  Is this what we will see in the foreseeable future? 

From my cold dead hands.
Scott Morgan
District 3
TC Venture 308, Savage 340C 222, Dan Thompson and Bees O'Brien Calls 

"I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America."

Joshua Boston