Author Topic: coyote kill times  (Read 1886 times)

Offline jerad188

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coyote kill times
« on: October 24, 2012, 09:55:36 PM »
Normally I only get to hunt from dark until about midnight, but was curious if I would have better luck at a different time of day/night. Thanks for your votes!
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Offline Hern

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Re: coyote kill times
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 06:16:36 AM »
I didn't vote.
I hunt sun up and before sundown (1st two poll questions).
I rarely Coyote hunt at night.
Your poll results may not be accurate as most folks haven't experienced long term day versa night hunting.
So I think you may get answers 'when' folks hunt instead of 'when' folks have the best luck.

Offline jerad188

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Re: coyote kill times
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2012, 09:55:11 AM »
I think the only reason I hunt is that I have 10+ hrs to hunt and can hit many spots, but daylight hunting only gives you probably 2 hours to do it in the morning until they become inactive for the day. Just my opinion I guess
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Offline Leglifter

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Re: coyote kill times
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2012, 04:25:05 PM »
I always had more coyote call ins during the early morning daylight hours.
Also, I has the same problem with getting to the right spot at the right time, to do a couple stands, hunting daylight hours. That's basically why I started night hunting.
They say coyotes are crepuscular ( most active and responsive during the light change) like a walleye, if you fish.
I think it gives them a bigger prey base, shopping at two different grocery stores, being the nocturnal prey and diurnal

Offline foxtrot

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Re: coyote kill times
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2012, 10:29:09 PM »
jerad188,That's a tough question.To simplify things I would say fields and open cover at night,brush and mountains early mornings and evenings.