Author Topic: Are Guns to Blame  (Read 4742 times)

Offline foxfx

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Are Guns to Blame
« on: July 24, 2012, 10:01:12 PM »
I would like to start a discussion about the recent shooting in Aurora. 

After reading some of the witness accounts about how a young man entered a theater room and unleashed pure hell on innocent people, it has caused me to stop and reflect on how this could happen.  The anti-gun crowds are screaming loudly and discussions are popping up everywhere about gun laws and rights.  I understand people get frustrated with life, develop a low self esteem, and feel angry at the world.  I feel if you want to shoot people you should begin with yourself.  How an individual could raise a rifle and start shooting innocent people is beyond my understanding.  I can only imagine the "oh crap" feeling of being cornered in room while a guy unloads his AR15 towards you.

So what really is to blame for all of this?

Many people feel we should have stricter gun laws to prevent sick people like this from using powerful weapons to massacre people in a short amount of time.  It seems that there was little to no evidence to see this thing coming from this guy.  Could this have been prevented in any way?

I always have been a very pro-gun person.  I have a gun safe in my basement with several firearms in it.  I am an avid hunter and target shooter.    I am proud to live in American were I have the first amendment(free speech) and the second amendment(the right to bare arms).  The second amendment was written to protect the people from a rouge form of government whether that be foreign or domestic and criminals.  It is the right of a person to defend his family from a home burglar or threat in his home.  Once gun ownership becomes illegal then the criminals and vile persons will be emboldened.  The theater had a "no guns" sign on its premises.  Did this prevent this guy from shooting up a crowd of people?  No! absolutely not.  I did prevent law abiding citizens from concealed carry.  I would wonder what would have been the result of someone in that theater having a concealed weapon.  The gunman may have been wounded, killed, or at least been scared into leaving the building.

Many questions are being asked right now across the nation.

Should there be a ban on semi-auto and high cap weapons?
Should there be a longer waiting period to purchase firearms?
Should American citizens have firearms at all?
Do violent games and movies move weak minds like this to commit massacres?
Should more people be encourage to carry concealed weapons?

I tell you this America, there is a storm coming.  The clouds are darkening and I hear a faint sound of thunder.   Do you have answers?  Will we loose our right to possess firearms?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 10:05:50 PM by foxfx »

Offline predator77

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2012, 10:35:12 PM »
Jack the Ripper happend and he didn't use a gun. My point is that crazy people with find a way to cause devastation if they want to. Thousands of people own Ar 15s and other semis without killing movie goers. Why should the law abiding citizens be punished because of some disturbed mans actions. My father was killed by a underaged female drunk driver and hundreds of others are also, every year. Are you thinking we should ban alcohol?

Offline Pa Goosehntr

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 06:33:47 AM »
 >:( This is a topic that I feel doesn't need debated.. :-X The political machine has done enough damage to the legal firearm owners. Look beyond the firearm at the home made gernades, 30 I believe they reported. Think of what damage they could have caused. I wish folks would focus on the real problem, and it's not the's the person holding it and their mental state. For a political move on this would be like saying we are all nuts...just my nickel's worth 5¢.. 8)
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Offline coyotenightmare

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2012, 08:01:41 AM »
it's the person holding it and their mental state.
That is true Goosehntr....But would people find themselves in such a mental state if they didn't play violent games and watch movies of such nature? Another reason I believe people are so crazy to kill other innocent people is because society has rejected God. See, you can't leave religion out. If you don't believe in God, there is no basis for right and wrong. Its the opinion of the majority that carries. In this case could you say the movie theater was partly to blame for having a no guns policy? Was there someone there that always carried a gun but had to leave it home because of their policy? We don't know.  I do know that this world is getting crazy, our president supports same-sex marriage  (clearly violates God's Word), and ultimately many people just don't care about God. So to them matters of what I call right and wrong are opinions. I carry a gun with me almost exclusively. If someone tries to harm me I would want someone else to cover my back. So why shouldn't I do the same? If I go somewhere where there is a policy of 'no guns' I loose that protection.

Offline foxpro51

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2012, 09:02:51 AM »
100 round clips should be banned. No need to have them.

Offline Pa Goosehntr

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2012, 11:46:33 AM »
 :( I've seen 100 round magazines but not clips....what is wrong with having one? You can use it on the range at some facilities, not is not competing in the Pa hunting field. So what if a collector wants to own a 100 round mag....take a look at what you can own with a class 4 I don't have one, but I know some who do and thats another issue.
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Offline Pa Goosehntr

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2012, 12:20:23 PM »
OK  :P I need to make a correction ..Class 4 FFL is no longer listed ??? was for the machine gun folks Full auto..the classes now jump from 3 to 6 no 4 or 5 listed..
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Offline bigben

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2012, 01:00:25 PM »
It has nothing to do with the gun or mag capacity. It has to do with the loose nut behind the trigger. Todays society of young people dont know whats right or wrong anymore.  Some people dont know where to draw the line between fact or fiction either.
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Offline coyotejohn

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2012, 04:06:24 PM »
“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ And the warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm’.’”

Offline jeremybrua

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2012, 06:47:12 PM »
If you ask me we need looser carry laws.  If there would have been a few people carring in the crowd it might have ended diffrently.  I usualy carry a gun when I go out so does my wife.  I know if I was on a situation like that I would be returning fire.

Offline bdawg

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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2012, 07:50:06 PM »
no 100 round drum or gun ever killed anyone without a person loading it and controlling it, i have a loaded ar next to my bed and everybody in my house knows how to use it safely and properly.
when are we gonna start holding people accountable for their choices and actions?? its always somebody or something elses fault
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Re: Are Guns to Blame
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2012, 04:53:58 AM »
no ____________ or gun ever killed anyone without a person loading it and controlling it

Insert the answer of your choice.

1. 10 round drum

2. Hand grenade

3. Nuclear bomb   

Just sayin'