Author Topic: Tubmill Trout Club  (Read 5852 times)

Offline Lookn4Fur

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Tubmill Trout Club
« on: February 10, 2012, 08:03:05 AM »
I would like to welcome Tubmill Trout Club as one of our new sponsors.  You may have seen their banner on our website and forum boards in the last day or two.  If anyone is interested, they are having a coyote hunt February 24th thru the 26th.  It would be cool if one of our members won the hunt.  Check them out at and please join me in welcoming them to our site........Tim
"Predators are either active & feeding, semi-active & callable, or utterly inactive & then practically speaking, no call is needed; we're just taking our guns for a walk. We can & should get used to it, & follow their leed cuz they just ain't eager nor apt to follow our’s any time soon!