I wonder what it is? I have been hunting predators a long time.. Now I have taken new predator hunters hunting and even family members...Seems like my family members don't really have the syndrome..
Now here is what the syndrome is: When you take a person predator calling.. Your showing them the how to do this and you must do this... Why do some not listen to you and do what they want to do? One of the biggest things is: Shutting one of the two lights you use during the calling process. I have a shooting light on my rifle and I have a scanning light on my head or person.. The light is to see the incoming eyes but it's also to be held in front of you or on your head to make you stealth. You can tell some new hunters one, two, three, and four times to keep the scanning light on your head or person on at all times or keep the light on your scope on at all times....See you have someone that feels that the scanning light on the scope is adequate to to make your stealth. Now this might be the case right when your going to shoot the rifle.. You shut your scanning light off when your behind the tripod.. Now I know there are different ways to shoot.. If you know what your doing and have the perfect shooting light you can use it for scanning and shooting.. In this Case if I may that would be the shooting light the TFC223 uses.. See I don't use that method.
It truly wants you to turn to the person out there and I'm going to do this to: "Now I have told you 4 times to keep both of those lights on!" "If your not going to do what I say we just aren't going to hunt together anymore!"
Hence when I say not all men are created equal...Some will listen to you and right off they start to harvest predators... When they don't listen they start to wonder why they never see any predators coming to the call...