Author Topic: Sports and Outdoor Show / ECPS  (Read 2375 times)

Offline Lookn4Fur

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Sports and Outdoor Show / ECPS
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:51:10 PM »
For those who don't look at the home page, we will be at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor show again this year.  We will also be having our annual calling competition there as well, The East Coast Predator Showdown will be a blast.  As usual if you can volunteer some time for either event please let Bob (LegLifter) know.  We would like as many calling contestant as we can get to help represent our sport.  If you or someone you know is interested in calling please check out the links below for details.  Thanks.........Tim

Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show - (Feb 4-12)
East Coast Predator Showdown Calling Competition (Feb 11)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 03:57:10 PM by Lookn4Fur »
"Predators are either active & feeding, semi-active & callable, or utterly inactive & then practically speaking, no call is needed; we're just taking our guns for a walk. We can & should get used to it, & follow their leed cuz they just ain't eager nor apt to follow our’s any time soon!