Author Topic: New coyote sound  (Read 2424 times)

Offline coyotenightmare

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New coyote sound
« on: March 04, 2011, 01:41:33 PM »
I was out hunting and heard a new coyote sound that I have no clue what it means. I had just set up and a coyote started barking. It did a short howl and after a half minute or so, it barked 5 times in a row with no howls. When it came in, I missed. Actually, maybe it saw my bullet coming and took a deep breath and blew it off course. LOL Gotta hate when I do that. Anyway, those barks are different than I ever heard and was wondering if any of you guys know the meaning of them? Maybe I will kill that dog yet....

Offline Lookn4Fur

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Re: New coyote sound
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2011, 01:59:35 PM »
Without hearing it its hard to say.  Maybe a challenge by the way you are describing it.
"Predators are either active & feeding, semi-active & callable, or utterly inactive & then practically speaking, no call is needed; we're just taking our guns for a walk. We can & should get used to it, & follow their leed cuz they just ain't eager nor apt to follow our’s any time soon!

uncle buck

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Re: New coyote sound
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2011, 05:56:55 PM »
What sound did you make for it to do the sound you described?... I have had them bark at me when they felt something was just not right.. Either barks and or woofs.. What sound did you use when it started barking at you....That's what would have made it come in or were you silent?
If you did coyote vocalization it probably thought you were another coyote coming into the territory.. Hence the reason for the barks.. If you did nothing after the barking I know he thought you were another coyote.. That's if you started doing coyote vocalization prior to his barking..

Offline coyotenightmare

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Re: New coyote sound
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 07:55:41 PM »
I was just using distress sounds that morning and hadn't even started calling when I heard him. I heard him a howl a short howl and a little later he barked like a dog would. I didn't make any coyote sounds to him. There must of been other coyotes around, but I just never heard one bark like that before. I thought to that it could have been some kind of challenge.

Offline coyotenightmare

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Re: New coyote sound
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 08:00:10 PM »
Sorry, my reply is kind of jumbled. Guess I should check my spelling and wording before I post a message. LOL Anyway, I called with my all time favorite that day. Rabbit Distress. I usually don't make any coyote vocalizations until I call with a distress sound for a couple minutes. Just my preferance. My sets are really never the same though. I wish now I would of gave him a challenge howl to see what the response would have been.

uncle buck

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Re: New coyote sound
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2011, 09:03:53 PM »
Sounds like you just called him in with the rabbit sound.. He was just hungry...He or she could have been barking at the other coyotes in the area and one just decided to check out your food sound... I have gotten them to howl when using a food sound before but I was calling fox.. Then the barking and howling would start shortly there after.. I think they came to the food sound but here I am hunting fox and they felt something was up so hence that why they started to howl and bark...Then I went into my coyote calling scenario when this happens and I called them  back in.... Had them close at this particular time but the corn was high and they just stayed inside the protection of the corn..
So....They were interested but because I was hunting fox they just notice something out of the ordinary.. Hence that what they do start howling and barking...