Jay and I went out last night about 11:00pm 21deg light wind... carried our happy azzes west to York county... started in the Indian Rock Dam game lands... saw 2 sets of eyes on the first stand, I took a shot but hit either weeds or corn stubble... 2nd stand one set of eyes, no shot... rolled off 4 more stands till #7, Jay whacked a real eager male... had to shoot'em on the run... wouldn't stop... the next set up we split up... I had a red in the scope and was squeezing the trigger when I heard Jays Hornet crack, so did the fox... exit stage left, next glimpse of him was at about 175 yards with him barking an adios... the next set up we split up again, Jay was accousted by a woman wondering if his truck was broken... I on the other hand was savagely attacked by a feral pantry puma... fortunately my aim was true and the beast fell to a well aimed shot from the K-Hornet... 2 sets later, last one of the morning as the eastern sky was brightening rapidly a big ole male appeared out of no where way out in the field... my old eyes had a hard time even finding him in the pale morning light, but I finally spotted him with a little direction from Jay... I thought he looked a little far off so I made a triangle with the 3 dots in the scope, his 2 eyes and my red dot in the Mueller... even on 16X although I could see he had laid down in the corn stubble, he still looked way out... that's where shooting off a tripod really pays off, the Hornet spoke, a brief pause and the solid thwack of a good hit came back to us... Jay took off to retrieve the last piece of fur, my first fox of the night and the last in PA for this year... when he got back, he was quick to report it was a hearty 193 paces on the shot... all in all it was a good last night in the field... pictures to follow...