Author Topic: 22mag problems revisited.  (Read 2613 times)

Offline predator77

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22mag problems revisited.
« on: December 31, 2010, 04:24:48 PM »
So, last year after I cleaned my 22 mag it started shooting horrible. I used butchs bore shine. After a couple rounds , I remove the bolt to look down the barrel and it is always filthy. The powder looks wet and very visible to the naked eye. I switched bullets and this didn't fix it. I never had a problem even after I cleaned it until this one time last season and it's been hit or miss ever since. Anyone ever have this problem and have a solution. My next step will be to get rid of this once tack driver marlin with over 150 animals taken with it.

uncle buck

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Re: 22mag problems revisited.
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 01:06:23 AM »
Seems like the solvent is just not cleaning it well for you...When in doubt go back to the basics.. Might need to use the bristle brush and rod  and some Hoopes Solvent that have been around for years..  I use the bore snakes for many of my firearms but when I do the 17's I use a 17 pellet gun cleaning kit... Do have the boresnake for the 17 but it just a bit tight..  That's what I would...Try the bristle brush, Hoopes solvent, and then the cleaning patches like in the old days...Who knows what the new stuff they have does to barrels? I'm not to sure the boresnakes are the best.