Author Topic: Honey Fungus AKA POPINKIE now abundant in Penns Woods  (Read 10658 times)

uncle buck

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Honey Fungus AKA POPINKIE now abundant in Penns Woods
« on: September 27, 2009, 11:27:55 PM »

Best to lay these choice edible mushrooms gill down.  Place one half on the side of white pape and one half of the gill surface on black paper....If the spore print turns white on the black construction paper sample area ...They are the choice edible Honey Fungus...If the spore print turns brown on the white side of the bond pape they are not Honey Fungus.  They are the DEADLY GARLINA....Which as the name applies means your going to die.. So you do have to know what your doing....However once you see a Honey Fungus you know it....Deadly Garlenia is easy to ID.. However taking the spore print on the black/white paper will tell you what you really found...

uncle buck

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Re: Honey Fungus AKA POPINKIE now abundant in Penns Woods
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 12:30:25 PM »
I also would like to add two more important things here:

Never use the water that you boil the Honey Fungus in..You can get sick from using that in sauces and gravies.. However the mushroom itself is not poisonous..  Most of the wild mushrooms should be boiled before eating... Some like the chicken flavor types can be boiled in chicken bullion to bring out the chicken flavor in Hen Of Wood AKA Sheep Heads and Chicken Mushrooms.

This pertains to all mushrooms...Even the commercial grade white button mushrooms you buy in stores.. When tasting mushrooms always start off with just a small amount....For example....Sulfurs or Chicken Mushrooms...Some people have an allergic reaction to them...Kind of a tingling around the lips etc...So you do not know if your allergic to certain mushrooms.  People are allegic to all kinds of foods so you just do not want to ingest a pan of buttered Honey Fungus and then you  find out your allergic to them...

uncle buck

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Re: Honey Fungus AKA POPINKIE now abundant in Penns Woods
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2010, 08:19:55 PM »
Moving this to the top...Because soon......It will be Honey Fungus Time In Penns Woods...

Offline muttbuster

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Re: Honey Fungus AKA POPINKIE now abundant in Penns Woods
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2010, 08:29:24 PM »
Hey UB, I'm going to Giant Eagle and buy my shrooms. No identifying foreign fungus, just buy em and eat em. LOL
President PPHA

uncle buck

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Re: Honey Fungus AKA POPINKIE now abundant in Penns Woods
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2010, 08:58:34 PM »
Muttbuster but you won't make you own natural howl's at the moon.. You will not need a coyote howler if you eat the wild ones...

Offline muttbuster

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Re: Honey Fungus AKA POPINKIE now abundant in Penns Woods
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2010, 09:10:34 PM »
Mama always said "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again". So with that being said, I'm still out in my front yard in my neighbor hood south of Pittsburgh every night, night after night, howling at the moon. The neighbors are starting to complain about all of the Coyotes howling at night, they are ready to hire me to get rid of them. Now that's being an entrepreneur.
President PPHA