Author Topic: Screw In Choke Tubes or Poly Choke  (Read 2939 times)

uncle buck

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Screw In Choke Tubes or Poly Choke
« on: August 30, 2010, 12:22:40 AM »
The predator caller can benefit from the screw in chokes instead of a fixed choke gun...  Also if you have a short barrel pump or semi..The Poly choke would work great...However if you have a 28-30 inch pump or semiautomatic shotgun and you add on a Polychoke that gun becomes quite clumsy etc..Probably a turkey designated shotgun with a Polychoke would be outstanding for the predator caller... Hunting gray fox open the choke a bit to Improved Cylinder... As you walk down a wooded trail the modified choke would prevail..Give her a twist and you ready to shoot modified distances.. Open fields....twist it up to Full or Extra Full for longer shots.. Polychokes?????Maybe not good for long barreled guns or if you were walking and hunting upland game.. However for predators, dove hunting, duck hunting it could be a good tool to own.

Colonial, Brinley, Carlson all sell chokes tubes for every kind of shotgun...If I had a side by side...I would purchase an full choke so you could make your side by side Full Full...Also you can also get cylinder tubes... If your hunting rabbits you could make your right barrel a cylinder choke barrel and a modified...You could also purchase side by side tubes for steel shot...Remember when using side by side and using steel never shot anything larger then "T" shot in your side by side.. Also many people don't know about Improved Modified choke.. This is the constriction between Full and Modified... Choke makers also sell these for all kind of guns too.. Even over and Under and Side by Side.

Over & Under shotgun rifle combos....Might look a bit better if you had a flush Extra Full Choke Tube installed instead of a turkey choke tube that extends beyond the above rifle barrel. Heard there is no problem with this ..Having the extended shotgun barrel prevail with the non-flushed tube.

What I'm trying to say is shotgunning...Sometimes your going to need close...Grey Fox, Sometimes your going to Need  far...Red Fox...Sometimes the terrain is going to be different and you need to adjust the choke accordingly...Sometimes your going to use buckshot sometimes BB sometimes # 4 shot.
