I'm going to tell ya guys, the rifle I use for deer is a 30-06 springfield armory, modified from the original set up from WWII, I had it re-stocked and a scope was mounted. The rifle barrel itself was already cut shorter buy a gunsmith before I owned it. I have owned this rifle since I was 13 and I NEVER cleaned the inside of the barrel. That sounds irresponsible, but I gets shot most years less than 5 times a year, and it hits the same spot every year, putt'em down year in year out...now...my .223 savage...I use hoppes #9 or rem oil/solvent with a bore snake, and I can see a change in my groups...Honestly, i'm scared to clean our the riflings i'm sure are in my deer rifle, and have it be inconsistant, I figure if it aint broke, don't fix it