Author Topic: 1st Hunt of the Season...  (Read 1917 times)

Offline Coulter

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1st Hunt of the Season...
« on: January 11, 2009, 10:30:23 AM »
Well, first predator hunt anyway. We just finished our muzzleloader season yesterday. Unfortunately, due to 18" of fresh powdery snow, I was unable to fill my last tag. However, we did hear a few coyotes sounding off in the hollow below us. Of course I had to go back this morning to try and put some more fur on the boards other than the coons I had trapped last fall. As I pulled into the spot we parked yesterday I realized the snow plow came through again along with more fresh snow. In my attempt to get the truck far enough off the road I buried it up to the bottom of the doors. I assessed the situation and decided I was far enough off the road at that point...time to hunt - I'll deal with being stuck later.

It was just starting to get light out when I arrived at my first stand. I cleared my area of the snow, got comfy and started with some soft sqeaker type calling with the P-bomb. After a while I switched over to the back of my hand and still had no responses so I let loose with some serious distress sounds from the Reactor. There is no way any coyote, fox or other predator couldn't have heard these calls for quite some distance. I sat for a while and ended with some coyote yipping and howls. Still no response...time to move over to the power line.

I got set up on the powerline and repeated the sequence again but had no response after 35 minutes or so. I sat a few more minutes and decided that my truck being stuck was weighing on my mind a bit too much. So I made tracks back to the truck. Well actually I followed my tracks back to the truck instead of breaking new trail in all of that snow. I arrived at my first stand site and relieved myself of some of the morning coffee. As I turned around to continue my journey back I found tracks all over the place - 20 feet from my stand site. I instantly thought - "Oh crap - I didn't stay here long enough!"  But further inspection revealed they were all deer tracks. Go figure. They were actually walking in the trail that I made coming in earlier in the morning. Where the hell were they yesterday?

I finished making my way back to the truck and grabbed the little emergency shovel from the back when I got there. After 20 minutes or so I was able to get her back on the road and continue to ponder my lack of success the last two days. As frustrating as it sounds, it was all very enjoyable - even the getting stuck part. I enjoy a challenge, that's why I hunt. I didn't get to put any fur on the boards this time, but the way I see it - I have a lot of work to do around the house anyway...i.e. - calls to finish making.

For those wondering...I usually don't start hunting predators until this time of year. I have to much time tied up in waterfowl, trapping, muzzleloader and maybe a day or two of the regular firearms season. I like to get them when the fur is good and winter prime anyway. From now until the end of March or so I will be chasing predators and beavers. Unless of course we can locate and pattern some geese while the season is still open. Sorry no pictures of fur...maybe next hunt.

It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds    ~Samuel Adams~

Offline 220_Woody

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Re: 1st Hunt of the Season...
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 11:08:10 AM »
better luck next time Steve. ;)

 glad to see you around. we were begining to think you were MIA. ;D
A critic is a legless man who teaches running.
- Channing Pollock

Offline Coulter

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Re: 1st Hunt of the Season...
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 12:27:04 PM »
Hey Ben...maybe tomorrow I'll find some fur. I'm going to try a different area that I have seen fox in and my buddy has seen coyotes. We'll see what happens.

I've been busy hunting every waking moment. I have been here to check in a little bit, but I haven't posted much of anything for a while. I guess I've just been a smudge on the radar, I should turn into more of a blip now for a while. How has hunting been down your way?

It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds    ~Samuel Adams~